Question: What's a distributor?
Answer: A distributor is a company that sells your product to record stores, chains, and one-stops.

Question: What formats do you distribute?
Answer: Burnside distributes Compact Discs (Full-length, EPs, and Box Sets), DVDs, Vinyl (both 12" and 7")

Question: How do I get distribution?
Answer: Follow our Submission Guidelines at http://www.bdcdistribution.com/submissions.htm for information on the submission process.

Question: Did you get the CD I sent you for distribution?
Answer: We listen to EVERYTHING that comes in. If you included the proper One Sheet, a CD, and your contact information, we will contact you should we decide to distribute you.

Question: I never heard from you guys about my CD.
Answer: Burnside Distribution receives a number of submissions. We can not pick up everything for distribution. Therefore, if you included the required Submission Information and we did not get back to you, it is because we didn't feel, at this time, we could devote enough time and attention to your product. However, thank you for thinking of us and submitting your music to BDC for distribution consideration.

Question: Can I re-submit at a later date?
Answer: Yes, you can. Please do re-submit each time you put out a new release, as we would love to be kept abreast of your growth as a label/artist.

Question: Do I need a UPC number (barcode on my CD) to be distributed by BDC?
Answer: Yes. And, if you don't have one and have already pressed up your CD, and we decide to distribute you, we can sell you a UPC # for $30, which you can take it Kinko's, have stickers made, and put UPCs on all your CDs. You may also be able to get one from your CD Manufacturer. The barcode should be twelve digits, do not make this up.

Question: How much do you charge to distribute my CD?
Answer: We do not charge for distribution. The price is set by you, we will mark it up and sell it to stores.

Question: What's a catalog number?
Answer: A catalog number is a specific number you assign that stores, distributors, labels, and chains use to identify a title. It's typically an abreviation of your label name and a number. We ask that you don't use the number 1, 01, 001 for your first release and pick an other number due to the high volume of first release in retailers data bases that use the number one. Catalog Number Examples

Question: Is Burnside Distribution the same as Burnside Records?
Answer: No, Burnside Records is a record label distributed by Burnside Distribution.

Question: What if I have questions that aren't answered here?
Answer: If it is about accepted submissions please e-mail frank@bdcdistribution.com. If it is about marketing and general information, please visit www.bdcdistribution.com/tools.htm.