Burnside Album Details

Gleason, Dave, Turn and Fade

Timelessness can't be manufactured. Music either cuts across the years, feeling right at home in yesteryear AND the unfolding now, or it doesn't. From the get-go Dave Gleason has crafted songs and executed them in a way that hums timelessly, country rock that'd fit in fine on a scratchy old turntable at Merle Travis’ house, blasting from an 8-track player in Waylon Jennings' pickup truck or serenading crowds during intermission at a Tom Petty show today. Gleason strikes down to country's hard beating heart and draws out the stuff that's made folks turn to this music for since it wandered out of the Appalachias in the 1930s. Turn and Fade, coalesces into his strongest, toughest song cycle to date. Turning the guitar roar up a notch or two, Gleason muses on the things that keep us up at night and the things that keep us moving over the next horizon. "Dave Gleason is one of my favorite guitarists. His playing is wise and lyrical but he's also a serious gunslinger. If Dave Gleason walks into the room, I set my guitar down." – Dave Alvin