Burnside Album Details

Dimes, The, The King Can Drink The Harbour Dry

Playfully titled, The King Can Drink the Harbour Dry, it's no exaggeration to say The Dimes' new record is a musical Cliffs Notes for an early American History class. Amidst all of the storytelling and folky, avant-garde arrangements, at its core the record maintains a pastoral, old-country meets sixties pop goodness that cannot be denied. A sonic adventure with in?uences ranging from Simon and Garfunkel to The Beatles' White Album, it's the distinct lyrical musings that set it apart from other folk-pop albums this year. Early comparisons of The King Can Drink The Harbour Dry have grouped it with the likes of Andrew Bird, Great Lake Swimmers, Destroyer, Bowerbirds and even Iron and Wine. The band's debut release, The Silent Generation, garnered national attention from SPIN, Magnet, Under the Radar, NPR, USA Today, and a long list of music blogs. SPIN described it as a "...sparkling pop gem...with its cascading guitars, sweet harmony vocals and Big Country-esque proportions." Continuing to work with Engineer, Jeff Stuart Saltzman (Death Cab For Cutie, Menomena, Decemberists, Sleater-Kinney, Dolorean), the bands sophomore release is a continuation of historic themes that began on their previous full-length The Silent Generation.

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