Burnside Album Details

Jeffrey Halford and the Healers, Railbirds

With this follow up to the renowned Hunkpapa, Jeffrey Halford and the Healers serve notice of promise fulfilled. In his new and stunningly original Railbirds, Halford and his band obliterate the American canvas with tunes ranging from shake-the-rafters rock n'roll, positively sanctified grooves, and edgy straight ahead heartbreakers. As a testament to Halford's artistic vision, Railbirds is visited by heavyweight guest stars Chuck Prophet and Augie Meyers who blend their respective guitar and keyboard mastery with the Healer's go-for-the -throat authenticity that never even approaches an unnecessary note. Jeffrey Halford and the Healers demand that you feel the music as a whole, as opposed to noticing the players. Ultimately it is Halford's "beat poet meets Sam Shepard meets Hank Williams" songwriting that serves as the "good to great" difference maker. These songs-of conscience, love, loss, and of roads paved by choices made- are as strong as the very best material being produced today.

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