Burnside Album Details

Kohl, Frank Quartet, Invisible Man

Guitarist Kohl's third release as a leader, Invisible Man, features the New York bassist Steve LaSpina, whom Kohl first heard perform with guitar master Jim Hall. The music is a tight east coast sound, with many originals by Kohl. Elegant in simplicity, eschewing the thicker layers of many jazz presentations, this recording is to the point and floats along nicely. Kohl says “May we all believe in ourselves and not be deterred by the obstacles we face, I dedicate my music to that invisible part in all of us." ". . . his soaring solos and swinging tunes , unveil a spirit tuned into the moment and where the notes may lead. With Kohl's clearly mastered technique, his guitar solos sing true with room for breath and emotion." - Earshot Jazz Magazine

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