Burnside Album Details

Thorcraft Cobra, The Distance

"“The most vital syllable in Thorcraft Cobra’s bandname is “craft” — the music of Billy Zimmer and Tammy Glover abides a certain precision. Their nuanced pop-rock proves that there’s not a single ounce of queasy ambivalence that a giant chorus won’t wash away.” – Buzzbands. The Distance is an homage to a story, probably apocryphal, about Abraham Lincoln. Supposedly, Lincoln said it wasn’t remarkable that he was born in a log cabin and became the President; it was remarkable that he was born in a log cabin and became a lawyer. Says Glover, “I think about the distance that some of us travel… and the distance in front of me will never be as profound as the distance I covered – physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually - to get here.” "

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