Burnside Album Details

Trovesi, Gianluigi & Umberto Petrin, Twelve Colours and Synesthetic Cells

Ten years after Vaghissimo Ritratto, Dodicilune presents Twelve Colours and Synesthetic Cells, the new album by saxophonist and clarinetist Gianluigi Trovesi, and pianist Umberto Petrin. Their inspiration came from Russian composer Alexander Scriabin, who’s here used as a pretext to outline a series of extremely intense musical pictures. Nine of the tracks directly draw inspiration from Scriabin’s preludes, while twelve more songs explore the possibilities of his synesthetic table, in which colours are associated with the various harmonic tones of his atonal scale. Petrin and Trovesi manage to skillfully avoid pettiness, and play music from different times with levity and a mix of personal languages which seamlessly blends the distant echo of Scriabin’s harmonies with jazz. This new album presents a blunter approach, with more sharply contoured melodies and less dreamy atmospheres.