Burnside Album Details

Marcotulli / Erskine / Danielsson, Triop M/E/D

Three giants of the world stage, actively together for years, release a work of exceptional artistic caliber, blending superbly their worlds, their styles and different inspirations. Rita Marcotulli, i.e. one of the standard bearers of Italian jazz piano in the world, with all its Mediterranean character and its unique style; the amazing Palle Danielsson on double bass, considered one of the best bass players to have entered the world scene in the last few decades; and finally Peter Erskine, former drummer of Weather Report and widely regarded as a living legend of the percussive arts. Their artistic collaboration has begun many years ago and has consolidated over time, to finally result in this album, recorded live in Genoa and featuring top-quality compositions and arrangement. A masterpiece mostly made in Italy.