Burnside Album Details

Aqua Velvet, Vol. 1: "Hey Everybody, Let's Fall In Love!"

Like the swanky cologne that shares its name, this side project by Nashville jazz artists Jim Hoke and Randy Leago has one purpose and one purpose only (cue lubricious Barry White voice); "settin' the moooood for luuurve." An audio lounge stocked with whatever the November 1965 Playboy deemed necessary for romantic conquest, it's a reworking of gushy 1950's and 60's pop songs like "You Showed Me" and "Come Softly To Me" as lush, mildly psychotropic instrumentals, awash in sitar, kalimba, flutes, water glasses and the odd Jew's harp. Yes, it's kitschy, and yes, the players are all in on the joke --- which, mercifully, they play straight enough that their CD actually rewards multiple listenings.

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