Burnside Album Details

Motion Turns It On, Kaleidoscopic Equinox

When webzine, The Silent Ballet, stated that Motion Turns It On threw the gauntlet down to jazzy post-rockers everywhere with their debut EP, it was a surprise when they immediately picked up their own damn gauntlet. A live album soon followed, showcasing Motion's blazing live chops and unit coherence on stage, equaling the superior musicianship displayed in the recording studio. Their first studio release, Kaleidoscopic Equinox is a kick you in the throat, French-kiss your mom and steal your '94 Civic, aural event; oozing with rambunctious drums, dizzying keys and devastating guitar. The x-factor this time around is vocals, letting the band shed the "instrumental" stigma that's hovered around them. Lyrics are a spartan affair, layering with the instruments to augment the reality of the music; dueling vocalists, Kenny and Londono use their larynxes as supplementary instruments in the assault on your auditory system.