Burnside Album Details

Su (Baka Beyond), Worth It After All

Su Hart, who is the singer of the band Baka Beyond, named the album after a song she wrote to celebrate the release of Nelson Mandela which she recorded in the rainforest with Baka Pygmy children. It features many of her friends such as Ed Boyd and Martin Cradick on guitar, Leon Hunt on banjo and Stevie Holder on double bass, as well as musicians famous in the British Folk world such as Brian Finnegan of Flook on flute and Tim Eady on accordion. The album is a personal collection of Su's favorite songs. The album moves from songs of longing and love, such as the passionate "Lament of the Fisherman's Wife" to quirky Calypso - personalized versions of British Calypso style of the '50s is one of Su's performance specialities.